Monday, March 25, 2024

Good Friday, March 29, 2024


Holy Week has started.  This year our choir will be doing only the Good Friday Service.

As most of you already know, there is no Mass on Good Friday.  In fact, no sacraments are celebrated except for the Sacraments of Penance and the Annointing of the Sick.  Holy Communion is distributed only during the Good Friday Service, except to the sick who cannot attend the Service.

Fr. Moses has asked us to keep the music for the Good Friday Service very minimalistic.  Therefore, only the keyboard will only be used to support the choir, and there will be no guitar or percussion used.

There will be Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, starting at 2:15 PM.  To give us time to go through everything, let's meet at 12:45 PM to get set up, and then begin practice at 1:00 PM to run through the music and end by approximately 2:00 PM.  

Entrance: There is no entrance hymn.  Father will enter from the back in silence.

Psalm: Psalm 31 - link to PDF, audio accompaniment

Response: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Gospel Acclamation: Lenten Gospel Acclamation - link to PDFaudio (note - plain ending, no mellow jazz ending as heard in the audio)

Christ became obedient for us to death, even death on a Cross.
Therefore God exalted him and gave him the name above every name.

The Solemn Intercessions:
Following the Gospel, and the homily, the Solemn Intercessions will occur.  I'm checking with Fr. Moses about whether a cantor will be needed to sing the first part of the ten intercessions as outlined in the Sunday Missal.  The priest responds afterwards (either sings or recites it). The congregation may respond with either a spoken or sung (three notes which we'll cover during practice).

Adoration of the Holy Cross:
Father will process up the aisle carrying a cross covered in a violet veil.  He will uncover a little piece of the upper part and will sing "Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world."  We will respond with "Come let us adore." as per 72 in the CBW III, under All (note the word wor-ship (two syllables) is changed to a-dore).  He then uncovers the right arm and sings the same priest's acclamation, and we respond as before.  Finally he uncovers the whole Cross and the acclamation and response is again repeated.

Once the Cross is at the front of the church, it will be set up for adoration by the altar servers and then the congregation.  I will suggest that the choir goes up for adoration immediately after adoration by the altar servers.

During the period of adoration by the congregation we will sing:

  • Were You There (300 G&P - we use a slightly different version - link - sheet music will be provided)
  • O Sacred Head Surrounded (link - 378 CBW - sheet music will be provided)
  • Stabat Mater Dolorosa (694 CBW) - the same tune and words as used at OLGC's Stations of the Cross
  • Behold the Wood (379 CBW)
Holy Communion:
The altar is prepared for the distribution of Holy Communion.

The Our Father will be spoken.

There will be no Lamb of God (Agnes Dei) spoken or sung.

Communion Hymns:

Psalm 23 (Refrain:  I shall dwell In the house of the Lord.) - link to PDF, audio accompaniment
Psalm 34 (Refrain:  Taste and see that the Lord is Good) - link to PDF, audio accompaniment

Recessional:  No recessional hymn.  After saying a brief prayer over the people, he will process out of the church in silence.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024, 5th Sunday of Lent


Our choir sings this coming Sunday, March 17, 2024, St. Patrick's Day🍀.   We will meet at 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning to get organized for the practice and then begin rehearsal at 9:30 a.m., and end no later than 10:30 a.m.

The Rosary will begin after the practice ends at 10:30 a.m.  When it's finished, there will be a period of silence, or instrumental music, before Mass begins.

The music selections are found below.

CBW - Catholic Book of Worship III
GP - Glory and Praise III

Mass Parts - Please see the 2021 Mass Setting (10 page PDF file) available online. For individual pages of the PDF, or audio files of the Mass parts, please select this link which will open up a page of links to individual pages in the Mass setting, and an audio file of the corresponding keyboard accompaniment. 

Entrance: CBW 368 - O Cross of Christ - YouTube Link 

Kyrie: link to PDFaudio
Gloria: No Gloria During Lent (link to PDFaudio)

Response: Create in me, create in me a clean heart, O God.

Gospel Acclamation: Lenten Gospel Acclamation - link to PDFaudio (note - plain ending, no mellow jazz ending as heard in the audio)

Whoever serves me must follow me, says the Lord;
where I am, there will my servant be also.

Preparation of the Gifts: CBW 374 With Our God - link to audio

Holy Holy: link to PDFaudio

Memorial Acclamation: C - Save us, Savior of the World... link to PDFaudio

Lamb of God: link to PDFaudio
Our Father:  link to PDFaudio

Communion:  GP 484 Bread of Angels - YouTube Link 
                        CBW 380 - Jesus Remember Me - YouTube Link (backup if we need it)
                                           Link To Simpler 4 Part Voice Only
Recessional:  CBW 497 Lord of All Hopefullness - YouTube Link

Friday, March 1, 2024

Sunday, March 3, 2024, 3rd Sunday of Lent


Our choir sings this coming Sunday, March 3, 2024.   We will meet at 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning to get organized for the practice and then begin rehearsal at 9:30 a.m., and end no later than 10:30 a.m.

The Rosary will begin after the practice ends at 10:30 a.m.  When it's finished, there will be a period of silence, or instrumental music, before Mass begins.

The music selections are found below.

CBW - Catholic Book of Worship III
GP - Glory and Praise III

Mass Parts - Please see the 2021 Mass Setting (10 page PDF file) available online. For individual pages of the PDF, or audio files of the Mass parts, please select this link which will open up a page of links to individual pages in the Mass setting, and an audio file of the corresponding keyboard accompaniment. 

Entrance: GP 273 - The Glory of These Forty Days - YouTube Link

Kyrie: link to PDFaudio
Gloria: No Gloria During Lent (link to PDFaudio)

Psalm: Psalm 19 - link to PDFaudio accompaniment

Response: Lord, you have the words of eternal life.

Gospel Acclamation: Lenten Gospel Acclamation - link to PDFaudio (note - plain ending, no mellow jazz ending as heard in the audio)

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

Preparation of the Gifts: CBW 373 Tree of Life- YouTube Link

Holy Holy: link to PDFaudio

Memorial Acclamation: B - When we eat this Bread... link to PDFaudio

Lamb of God: link to PDFaudio
Our Father:  link to PDFaudio

Communion:  GP 485 Bread of Heaven - YouTube Link 
                        CBW 491 - Lord Hear My Prayer - YouTube Link (backup if we need it)
Recessional:  GP 633 Be Thou My Vision - YouTube Link